Foundations of a Catholic Political Order (Second Edition)

Foundations of a Catholic Political Order (Second Edition)

  • by Thomas Storck | Foreword by Peter A. Kwasniewski

  • Product Code: fcpo
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Publication date: 2022
  • Size: 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages: 218
  • $17.95

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In the last few years more and more Catholics have begun taking seriously Pope Leo XIII's teaching on the relationship between Church and state. As a result, they have come to see the fundamental deficiencies of the liberalism that has dominated Western culture for over 200 years. But if liberalism, with its doctrine that limits the concerns of the political community to merely this-worldly matters, is erroneous, what is to be put in its place? And further, how would that alternative actually look in practice? In this book, the first edition of which appeared in 1998, Thomas Storck offers a sketch of a possible Catholic political order. Although at the moment discussion of a Catholic political regime is far outside the realm of the practical, in the author's opinion it is never a waste of time to order our thinking and our ideas. Thus it is worthwhile to consider how a Catholic political order might function, what laws, institutions and policies might help it accomplish its task of protecting a Catholic culture and the faith of ordinary believers.

Thomas Storck, one of the best contemporary expositors of Catholic Social Teaching, shows how the grace and truth of Christ can transform everything—even and especially our social and political life. —Pater Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist., lecturer in moral theology, Heiligenkreuz, Austria

As political chaos abounds in a world devoted to Mammon, American Catholics have wasted the last half-century allying with liberalism, either conservative or progressive. By the time of this second edition, those interested in restoring Christian culture may finally be ready to receive an integral vision of society, grounded entirely in the Catholic tradition. Thomas Storck, a scholar of the Social Encyclicals, presents a radical and orthodox outline of a “Catholic Political Order” which deserves to be read by all faithful followers of Christ the King. —Sean Domencic, Director of Tradistae; Holy Family Catholic Worker, Lancaster, PA

Before modern revolutions and the assaults of liberal secularization, many nations reached the pinnacle of their civilizational development under the flag of Christ the King. A sociopolitical order governed by the principles of the Catholic Faith has historically proven itself successful in many countries. There is no utopia here. Even the modern world would be unthinkable, at its best, without the legacy of Christendom.

But how would a Catholic state deal, today, with the new dogmas of freedom of religion and speech, the free market economy and democracy? And to what extent a previous work of sanctification of culture, at every level of social life, would be a condition for implementing it? These are some of the questions that Thomas Storck approaches brilliantly in this book. —Luiz de Moraes, Instructor of Philosophy and member, Instituto Santo Atanásio, Curitiba, Brazil

Thomas Storck sets forth a genuine Catholic political vision free of the constraints of the inorganic left/right paradigm. Catholic critiques of modernity have increased, but Foundations of a Catholic Political Order provides a positive and concrete image of what it would look like for a political order to be rooted in an authentic understanding of human nature and Divine Revelation. —Taylor Patrick O’Neill, Ph.D., Teaching Faculty, Thomas Aquinas College, Northfield, MA

Christian culture was designed to endure and those seeking an enduring sustainable culture are on a fool's errand if they think they can do so without the contribution of Christianity. Thomas Storck is one of a small number of Catholic scholars today thinking deeply on the issue of authentic Catholic political philosophy. He explores the primary elements of that philosophy as it was traditionally taught and then shows how it is needed today as much as ever. —James Bogle, lawer, Knight of Malta, and Past President of the International Una Voce Federation

Thomas Storck

Thomas Storck is a member of the editorial board of The Chesterton Review and a contributing editor of New Oxford Review. He has a Bachelor of Arts from Kenyon College and a Master of Arts from St. John’s College, Santa Fe. He is the author of five previous books and translator of Cardinal Louis Billot’s Liberalism, A Critique of Its Basic Principles and Various Forms and editor of The Glory of the Cosmos both Arouca Press titles as well as, The Prosperity Gospel: How Greed and Bad Philosophy Distorted Christ's Teachings (TAN Books). Many of his essays and articles may be found on his website (

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